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CA Certified Software

CA Satisfied Software

The industry satisfied accounting software that makes your financial management easier.

When it comes to business accounting, you need market certified software that help to manage all the transaction that you carry out daily. Along with that, you also need to make sure that the software focuses on the financial aspect of the business.

In simple words, the software should be able to generate reports and P&L statements and also allow you to track the entire company’s expenses as easily as possible.

If you are in the logistics industry and you want software that makes the CA’s work easier and saves you expenses in audit, you have the right solution.

Key Features That Satisfy CAs

Let’s break down the specific features that make a CA-satisfied business software:

  1. Income Tax Report: Automatically generates detailed income tax reports. It has all the details that a CA needs. This alone allows you to simplify tax filing and compliance for businesses and individuals.
  2. Sale-Purchase Report: Tracks all sales and purchases. You can use the visualization and see a clear picture of revenue and expenditure for financial analysis.
  3. GST Report: We mentioned GST API, right? You can automate GST reports and calculations with Bharat Software.
  4. Financial Reporting: Produces balance sheets, profit-and-loss statements, and cash flow reports with ease.
  5. Bank Reconciliation: Matches bank transactions with internal records. It’s yet one of the features that most small businesses want but are not even aware of.
  6. Audit Trail: Maintains a comprehensive log of all financial activities. So, whenever you or the CA want to get the old reports, they can easily get them from the software.

Business Operation Report: Offers insights into operational performance. It’s helpful for you as well as for the CA. It gives you an overall idea of the operations.

These feature that are specially made for the CA’s satisfaction. You will surely benefit from it. However, our software is a lot more than just a CA’s satisfactory software. As we have already mentioned a few features available in software, you will get many similar features. You can always contact our team to get a complete idea of the features and how the software works.

CA Satisfied TMS Accounting Software

Bharat Software Solutions (BSS) is a CA-satisfied accounting software because it integrates critical accounting functionalities into a single dashboard.

CA needs TDS, GST, Balance Sheet, Sale Purchase Report, Financial Reporting, Bank Reconciliation, Audit Trail and all accounting reports. So, this manage the minor expenses that you have made. This software will do the same.

It helps you generate reports that will help the CA conduct a full audit of the company.

Business software that can create income tax reports, sale purchase reports, GST, Financial Reporting, Bank Reconciliation, TDS, Audit Trails, business operation reports,  etc. are the software that is satisfied by CA.

Hence, we call it CA-satisfied software. It means that all the software that a CA is looking for and all the reports that they want are automatically generated using this software.

With this, you can easily send the audit report, and your company can save money on taxes as well as there are no issues of ITR notice.

Accounting Software Redefined

At its core, we provide a logistics and transport management software package that simplifies the management of financial transactions.

It’s the complete solution that updates traditional bookkeeping (GR/LR, Bilty, Challan, Dispatch, Invoice, Gate Pass, POD).

As the software allows user to manage the entire logistics or transport operations directly from the dashboard, Along with the main operations of the business, it allows you to manage the payroll and finances, and also has the capabilities for double-entry bookkeeping and other similar features.

The manual spreadsheet where you manage the expenses can be tiresome. It is not only time-consuming but also prone to various human errors and delays due to workload.

Using updated application, you can easily automate the whole workflow of expenses. At the end of the day, the software will allow you to generate the reports, which you can directly send to the CA.

But is this software just for the CA?

Not. It’s one of the best accounting management.

Let’s find out why.

Depth Accounting Management

BSS has the core software for accounting management.

The system consists of e-way bill automation, Billing and Invoicing, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Financial Reporting, Payroll, Bank Reconciliation, Audit Trail,   and more. So, it doesn’t matter which business model you choose, you can use our software for all solutions.

Coming to the fleet, with our easy fleet management, you can manage all the vehicles along with the drivers. The drivers can communicate and send their live location for the software to trace the vehicles.

If you are providing extra services, such as packing and moving, you can use our next module, which allows you to manage the same. Further, it also has warehouse management.

Those are just a few of the top features from the many other features that we have.

With these, you can manage your business in the most accurate way possible.

Business Management Made Simple

When we say simple, we mean it.

To begin with, our software is super simple and easy to use. Anyone with basic computer knowledge can easily learn the software and start using it. Additionally, we have training to teach you how you can use the software in the best way possible.

If you have any issues, we offer local support to nearby cities, and online support is always available. In simple words, if you are from a nearby city and you are facing some problems, our team member will personally visit your office and fix the issue for you. For all small issues, you can always use our online support.

Automation, Reporting, and Analytics: A CA’s Dream

One of the most compelling features of BSS is its focus on automation, reporting, and analytics.

The software automates most of your repetitive tasks like invoice generation, GST return filing, expense management, and payroll processing.

You can easily generate the bills using E-way and other integrations. So, with the software, you are automating most of the things you will need.

The reporting capabilities are equally impressive. BSS offers over 100+ analytical reports, including Management Information System (MIS) reports, business operation reports, and financial summaries.

You can easily get a 360-degree view of the entire company using these reports. Above all, you can do all these things with just a few clicks.

Why us

With over 16 years of experience, BSS has delivered software to over 1100+ clients in the industry. With this, you can fully rely on the software.

We highly recommend checking out the website for the features, where you will get a complete idea of the list of features. Thereafter, we even recommend contacting our team for further queries, where our team will also take you through a complete demo of the software.

When you check live demo, you will get an idea of how it works and how it will be helpful for your business. That’s why we highly recommend checking out the demo.